5K Contact Resources

This page has resources to help you contact businesses and companies for sponsorship or donor support

Contact Resource Guide Great Chapter Service Opportunity!

3 main contact stages: 0.5 hrs service per stage accomplished (up to 1.5 hrs total)

+ BONUS 0.5 hr if you successfully get a sponsor or donor!

Update this spreadsheet with companies and businesses you reach out to! This helps ensure we don't reach out to the same places.

Sponsorship (Solicitation Service)

5K Sponsorship Form

Print or email this form for sponsors to complete and send it to Mrs. Huyghe.

NHS_5K_Tips for Gaining Sponsorships.pdf

Tips for Gaining Sponsorships - Phone Calls and In-Person Visits

Refer to these tips for guidance on calling companies or making in person visits.


Sponsorship Letter

Edit the appropriate information in the document and either print it for an in person visit or email it to the contact.

Vendor/Donor (In Kind Service/Donation)

Call Script for Vendors.pdf

In-Kind Donation - Phone Call Script

Refer to this script as a guide for calling companies.

NHS 5K Letter InKind Vendor-Donor Letter.docx

Vendor/Donor (In Kind) Letter

Edit the appropriate information in the document and either print it for an in person visit or email it to the contact.